

CALIFORNIA - Carnegie SVRA Under Threat!!

Senate Bill 767 is being heard in the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee on April 9. This bill again attempts to deny the OHV community a long overdue opportunity for increased motorized recreational opportunities on property purchased using funds from the Off Highway Vehicle Trust Fund over 20 years ago. This legislation ignores the fact that a majority of the opposition comes from local land owners, many of whom previously agreed to the acquisition, and disregards the legislature's own approval of the purchase expressly for OHV recreation.

Photo: Courtesy of Carnegie SVRA Facebook

This important State Vehicle Recreation Area has been part of the California State Parks system since 1980, when the site was purchased by the California Department of Parks and Recreation. Prior to that the 1,500+ acres was privately owned and enjoyed by generations of motorized recreationists, including a period when it was operated as a private motorcycle park.

AMA members and indeed all OHV recreationists must immediately contact their elected officials and remind them of the agreement that was made when the expansion properties were acquired. It is also important to remind them that the program uses no general fund monies and is in fact based on a user-pay, user-benefit style model. Monies used to pay for the program include those taxes collected on fuel, SVRA entrance fees and vehicle registrations (green and red stickers).

The OHV community has long paid their own way and will continue to do so as long as these monies are used for their intended purpose.

Begin by clicking on the "Take Action" link and following the instructions.

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